Every Child Deserves a Quality Education, And It Starts With You

Do you take time to tell your kids they are tall, smart, or funny? Do you ever show them you care about their homework or their problems in school? So many parents don’t. Many children don’t get the kind of care and attention they need. There is a reason for that: we have allowed the education system to become a place where teaching and learning are secondary. 

As per research conducted by Schools in Abu Dhabi as a parent, you want to do your best for your child, but it is challenging to scale. It speaks on how in the modern world, it is exceptionally effortless for people to get away without being a role model for their children and how we need to be the change we want to see in the world.

We hear of cases where less qualified parents use their success status as an example to their children instead of thinking they are “learning experiences” they can pass forward to their children.

Also Read: Preparing Your Child For A Successful Primary Education

Encourage Your Children To Persevere

Encourage Your Children To Persevere

You can encourage your children to persevere in their pursuit of learning by showing them that you value the process and not just the results. Remind your children that they have learned something new and vital, even if it doesn’t seem like it at first. Take time to celebrate every little win, no matter how small it may seem.

When you show your kids that you believe in their ability to learn and grow, they’ll be more likely to believe in themselves too!

In particular, we believe that building perseverance in children is essential for preparing them for their future careers. The ability to work hard is a vital skill set that will serve them well in any profession they choose.

We encourage you to use these tips:

  1. Make it fun! Make sure your child understands that hard work is fun and rewarding!
  1. Set achievable goals with manageable steps towards achieving them! That will help keep things fun and exciting for your child!
  1. Provide positive reinforcement when your child does something well or tries something new!
  1. Encourage them by showing confidence in their abilities by telling them, “I know you can do it!” or “I believe in you!”.

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Your Child

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Your Child

Try to develop their self-confidence. Your children are still kids! They need to be kids long enough to enjoy being a kid.

As a parent, your role is to provide them with the tools they need to learn and succeed. If you can do that, they’ll be able to do anything!

So if your kid is struggling in school? Don’t panic! Instead of putting more pressure on yourself and your child by stressing out over it (and potentially making things worse), try these tips instead:

Give them time off from schoolwork: Your kid needs a break sometimes! If they’ve been studying hard or working on projects all week long, give them some time off by taking them somewhere fun—the library, a museum, or an amusement park. Whatever works for your family! They’ll come back refreshed and ready for another week of learning!

Encourage them with rewards: What does your child want most out of life? Aren’t parents supposed to do everything possible for their kids so they can achieve their dreams? So why not encourage them with rewards?

Create A Home Environment That Promotes Learning

Create A Home Environment That Promotes Learning


As parents, we can make small changes that hugely impact children’s learning.

It is essential to create a space where your child can feel free to explore and play with their interests while creating an atmosphere of learning. You can do that through simple things like setting aside time for reading together every day or encouraging them to do some research on their own about topics that interest them.

The former may seem like a tall order, but it’s not as hard as you think. Here are some tips for getting started:

  • Make sure there is plenty of space for your child to study or do homework in the house. It should be well-lit, quiet and comfortable.
  • Set aside time each day for homework and make it clear to your child that this time is essential. You can even reward them if they complete their work on time!
  • Keep track of what your children are learning at school so you can reinforce it at home (for example, if they comprehend Abraham Lincoln this week in Social Studies class, ask them questions about their life).

Give Rewards As Encouragement

Kids can get discouraged when they’re learning. They may think they aren’t good enough to master a subject. It’s essential to recognise your child’s efforts. Furthermore, encourage them with rewards.

Let’s say your child is trying to learn how to read. You could give them stickers as rewards for each page they finish reading in a book by themselves. That will help them feel like they are accomplishing something and encourage them to keep going on their own.

Another idea is giving rewards for doing well on tests or quizzes at school. If they get an A on their test, maybe you’ll treat them to ice cream after school that day!

This type of encouragement will help them succeed if you want your child’s education to thrive. Moreover, when they are older adults living independently and maintaining their careers or businesses while raising families on their own with kids who also want to be successful in life too.

Set The Example Of Being A Life-Long Learner

Set The Example Of Being A Life-Long Learner

We all know that education is essential. We have heard it from our parents, teachers, friends and society. But when we grow up, many forget about being life-long learners. We become complacent with what we have learned and do not bother to learn new things. That is not good because as time passes, we will get older, and our knowledge will become outdated and useless.

For us to be able to provide quality education for our children, we need to set an example for them by being lifelong learners ourselves.

Whenever there is something new or fascinating happening in the world around us, we should take advantage of it by learning more about it so that we’ll be able to pass on this knowledge to our kids.

When they grow, share it with them during their formative years. So they feel prepared when they start school early due to lack of funding at home or poverty-level families.


Good parenting leads to good children, and good children make good leaders.

Children learn from what they do, not necessarily, from what you tell them to do. Therefore, taking the time to teach your children will help them with their education and give you a great bonding experience that will last a lifetime. So remember, take the time to show your child by example and deserve a high-quality education.

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