What Impact Does Positive Criticism Make On Your Child?

Whether you’re the parent of an achiever or the sports coach of a champion, your child is likely to be praised far more than they are criticised.

Praising your kids, helping them appreciate their efforts rather than their achievements and telling them they’re brilliant when they’ve achieved something all help their self-esteem and self-confidence.

But what impact does criticism have on your kids?

You always want the best for your kids and want them to succeed. You can help them achieve their dreams by giving them positive criticism.

How do you know it’s a positive critique? Here’s how.

Errors to Avoid

Errors to Avoid

As per research conducted by School in Dubai ,If you stay away from these frequent communication blunders, your kid will be more inclined to listen to your constructive criticism:

Avoid making analogies. You might expect your teen to become defensive if you say, “You should do your homework directly after school as your brother does.” Do not unfairly compare your teen to others; instead, treat them as the unique person they are.

Ignore the lecture. Your teen loses interest in your speech the longer it lasts. Keep your suggestions concise and valuable. The optimal length is a few sentences.

Try not to be too harsh. You’ll lose respect if you’re too hard on your adolescent.

Avoid using unintentional praises. While it’s crucial to give your teen admiration, refrain from indirect compliments. Expressing sentiments such as, “I’m so glad you made your bed today. Your teen may get annoyed if you say, “If only you could do it all the time.”

Always keep in mind that there are alternative methods. Avoid assuming that your way is the only correct way to do something. Your kid will probably develop their way of carrying out many tasks and discover what suits them the best.

Don’t niggle. Your teen is unlikely to pay attention to your counsel again if they don’t do so the first time. Express your thoughts, but don’t nag.

Boundaries And Feedback

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging jobs.

Boundaries And Feedback

You’re responsible for moulding your child into someone who will make their way in the world and cannot be taken lightly. It can be easy to get frustrated with your child or to want them to behave in ways they don’t yet understand, but it’s important to remember that they are still developing as humans and learning how to interact with others.

You can help them develop these skills by giving them constructive feedback and setting boundaries. 

The best way to do this is by using “I” statements: “I’m upset when you talk back,” rather than “You never listen!”.

That helps them know where your feelings come from, which allows them to reflect on the situation and perhaps change their behaviour accordingly.

It’s also important to set boundaries for yourself and your children—especially if they’re young!

If you have trouble sticking to your rules, try writing them down and posting them somewhere visible to remember what’s expected of everyone involved.

Impact Of Positive Criticism

1. It Builds Their Confidence

Positive criticism can help children build their confidence in themselves and their abilities. When a child is given positive criticism, they are praised for something they have done well and then informed about how to fix what could be improved. 

This type of feedback helps children learn from their mistakes, which is necessary to grow as individuals.

The most important thing you can do as a parent or teacher is to give the child positive feedback whenever possible. 

If a child receives negative feedback all the time, they will begin to believe that they are unable to do anything right. The more positive feedback you give your children, the better off they will be.

2. Kids Are More Receptive To Criticism When They Know It’s Trying To Help

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard that it’s essential to give your kids positive feedback. And while it’s true that positive criticism can help kids improve their behaviour or performance, it turns out that the best way to give children criticism is not through criticism at all. Instead, try giving them positive feedback and then suggesting improvement. Children will be much more receptive to being better when they know want them to be!

3. Children Are More Likely To Correct Their Mistakes

Positive criticism is a great way to help children fix their mistakes and make better decisions in the future.

The research on this topic is clear:

1) Children who receive positive criticism are more likely to correct their mistakes than those who receive negative criticism.

2) Children who receive positive criticism are also less likely to repeat their mistakes than those who get negative criticism or no feedback at all.

3) When children receive positive criticism, they’re more likely to accept it and understand that they need to change something about themselves or their behaviour if they want things to get better.

4. Positive Criticism Motivates Kids Without Making Them Feel Bad

When kids receive positive criticism, they feel motivated to improve. When they receive negative criticism, they get defensive and may stop trying altogether.

When you criticize your kid in a way that makes them feel bad about themselves, it’s not just that you’re making them feel bad— you’re also making them feel like they can’t change anything about their situation.

The hurtful words stick in their heads and become a part of who they think they are. And as we all know, kids’ brains are still developing—so when we tell them something bad about themselves, it’s like writing on an easel with a permanent marker: “This is how my brain will always think about myself.”

We need to give our kids positive feedback and allow them to make mistakes without judging or criticising them.

We help them develop a more flexible mindset: where they can see their potential and believe in themselves.

This kind of open-mindedness helps kids grow into adults who are more confident and able to handle criticism from others because they’ve already gotten used to hearing it from themselves.


Positive criticism requires you to use the same approach that you would take dealing with any other kind of criticism. Take a step back and look at the situation from an unbiased point of view. Be objective; focus on positives rather than negatives. 

While your child may not like hearing something negative about their behaviour, even negative criticisms can be valuable if they’re also positive and constructive.

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